Profenophos 50% EC
Brand Name
Product Head
Systemic and Contact insecticide
Mode of action
Systemic and Contact insecticide
Cotton, Soyabean
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Systemic and Contact insecticide
Systemic and Contact insecticide
Cotton, Soyabean
Bollworms, Aphids, jassids, White flies, thrips, Semilooper, Girdle beetle
500-1000 gm Ai/Ha
500-1000 gm Ai/Ha
EC(Emulsifiable Concertrate)
Atropinize the patient immediately and maintain full atropinization by repeated doses of 2 to 4 mg. of atropine sulphate intravenously at 5 to 10 minutes interval. As musch as 25 to 50 mg. of atropine may be required in a day. The need for further atropine administration is guided by the continuance of symptoms. Extent of salivation is a useful criteria for dose adjustment
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Ozier +
Systemic insecticide
Cotton, Cucumber, Rice,Okra
Jassid,Aphid,Thrips, Brown Plant Hopper, White backed plant hopper
21-24.5 gm A.i/Ha
WG(Wettable Granules)
No specific Antidote is known. Treat symtomatically.
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Systemic and Contact Insecticide
Systemic and Contact Fungicide
Cardamom, Cotton, Cabbage, Brinjal, Chilli
Trips, Capsule borer, White flies, Aphid, Trips, Jassids, Diamond Black Moth, Mites
300-400 g A.i/Ha
WP(Wettable Powder)
No specific Antidote is known. Treat symtomatically.
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Broad Spectrum Systemic Inseticide
Peach, Potato, Banana, Sugarcane, Wheat, Jute, Bariey, Sorghum, Tomato, paddy, Citrus, Cabbage, Bajra, Brinjal, Bhindi, Maize, Chillies, Grondnut, Mandrains, Mustard, Apple, Frenchbean, Soyabean
Leaf curl aphid, Aphid, Jassids, Rhizome weevil, Nematode, Top borer, Ear cockle, nematode, Cereal cyst nematode, Shoot fly, Stem borer, White fly, Brown hopper, Hispa, Green Leaf hopper, Gall midge, Root knot neamtode, Reniform nematode, Trips, Pod borer, White grub, Soft greens scale, Whooly aphid
250 to 3000 gm A.i/Ha
CG(Concentrate granules)
Atropinize the patient immediately and maintain full atropinization by repeated doses of 2 to 4 mg. of atropine sulphate intravenously at 5 to 10 minutes interval. As musch as 25 to 50 mg. of atropine may be required in a day. The need for further atropine administration is guided by the continuance of symptoms. Extent of salivation is a useful criteria for dose adjustment.
2 PAM is of not much value and should be avoided., Artificial respiration may be given, if needed.
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Mr. Pravin Bhanushali (Director)
1202-1204, B Wing, Kailash Business Park, Ghatkopar Powal Link Road, Vikhroli(W), Mumbai - 400079, Maharashtra, India
Call Us: 08046064247